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Exercise: Build Some RPs

The purpose of this short exercise is to get comfortable looking over recurrence plots constructed from numeric identifier sequences produced under the "converter" page:

(1) Choose among the texts under Exercise 1, and save some of them as time series in separate text files on your computer (e.g., lincoln_numbers.txt, clinton_numbers.txt, etc.).

(2) Click on "(C)RP" and use "Choose File" to select one of these files under each (i.e., choose the same data file for both data file 1 and data file 2).

(3) Click on "build CRP" to view the patterns of "lexical recurrence" occurring in the various text samples.

(Extra schtuff) Under "zoom" you will find a recurrence plot that allows a bit more flexible exploration of your data. It permits zooming into regions of the plot to inspect what points are causing the recurrence. Click on "zoom" and build the RP as described above in (1)-(3). You can now use your mouse to drag and select regions of the recurrence plot to view. Using your mouse you can also place your cursor over the points to see the coordinate of the point, and the numeric code that produced it.

(Extra extra schtuff) If you want to know what that numeric identifier represents, when you first produce your numeric time series under "converter," make sure you save the content of the text box that says "reuse a previous symbol code..." By copying and pasting that symbol code in the corresponding box under "zoom," the mouse cursor will now tell you what word is relevant to that point. If you are carrying out analysis of conversation, text, or other linguistic sources, this tool lets you see the content that is recurring in time.