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Below is the preview of "Progress & Puzzles" shared in 2023 during our Annual Meeting. The collection of letters is now published at Wiley as a "Wiley Virtual Issue," all letters gathered in one place and freely available for the remainder of 2023. Click here to see visit the official collection on Wiley's site, which includes an introduction summarizing the initiative and sharing a tentative thematic outline of the whole collection.

Across 2022, the journal Cognitive Science invited submissions to a special initiative entitled, "Progress and Puzzles of Cognitive Science." The purpose of this initiative was to publish concise and provocative proposals for the next phase of our discipline. To review submissions, a team of Editorial Board members kindly contributed their time and expertise in addition to their usual editorial duties. Letter contributions were published individually as they were accepted, and most were published by mid 2023.

Credits, etc.

Participating Editorial Board members: Emma Cohen, David C. Noelle, Michael J. Spivey, Ophelia Deroy, Ping Li, Iris van Rooij, Priti Shah, Ruth Byrne, Samuel Gershman, Janet Hsiao, Padraic Monaghan, Sashank Varma, Rick Dale

Thanks also to the Communications Committee of the Cognitive Science Society, including Marcelo Viridiano for creative work on the graphics above.

About this webpage

This page previews 36 accepted letters that are now published and can be accessed below. Using this interface, these published letters can be searched by theme or by keyword.

Free access for Cognitive Science Society members

Members of the Society can log into their "Member's Only" tab and click on the "Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal" link. This should activate the Society's journal subscription in the browser. Once activated, the Wiley links below should lead to full access. Don't have a Society membership? Click here for membership details, including student rates.

What's next?

In early 2024, we will release an openly accessible "virtual issue" on our publisher Wiley's Cognitive Science journal website. A brief summary and synthesis from co-editors will go along with the final collection.